Sweet satisfaction in self-care

Featured image by Simona Sergi on Unsplash

Hi everyone! It was a bit of a struggle lately to allot a specific time for blogging but so pumped at the same time to refresh my blog with new writings. One part of being in this blogging community is that I can see and learn other’s wonderful outlooks in pretty relatable and refreshing content including mental health. I feel doing myself good already with spending time reading others’ blog posts on this topic which I consider necessary to include in daily life.

So was my little discovery, I would like to have these 3 points get cemented on my mind and sharing with you all- what and why is it called satisfaction from self -caring.

One way I learn to self-care is elusively about knowing myself. The thing is that by practicing self-care, you are embracing yourself, living up your best quality that can-do great wonders to others as well who surround you. Yup, it can be infectious. (I should not use this word ..deeply thinking especially during this time).

So let’s hop on to the first one!

Making progress even it is slow

There are days everything runs smoothly as we wish and there are days don’t quite do the same. Don’t be discourage. You are doing alright.

Never discourage anyone who continually makes progress, no matter how slow… even if that someone is yourself!” — Plato

As fueled by your determination to complete your task, you are making a progress and even you get stumble in between, keep going. The result will surprise you as you are about to discover yourself in making this progress.

The point is that even with small steps you can learn and appreciate more. The essence of working on it can be just as meaningful as you are climbing your way up the mountain. The process to get to the top is not that easy, but you ain’t giving up, clamoring in your thoughts and determination, you continue on the trails. You are learning which trails are better and which techniques might be effective for you while facing several obstacles. And as you reached the top (your goal), you begin to realize how wonderful the feeling is like- embracing the memories once you were down and the traits you carried through. People simply called it achievement and yes, it is self-achievement and owing to that small progress, you relished with the facts-of-how you have been making this real, you had been telling yourself that you will get there and that is called self-caring!

Learn to value time to de-stress

Photo by Vladyslav Bahara on Unsplash

I’ve been through the phase in which I ended up emotionally conflicted with myself. I figured that the perfectionist inside would never stop telling me and prodding me to stay glued on the laptop, reading articles hours by hours to the point that there is significantly a lacking there in how I am living every day. I made my parents worried sick as it had once knocked me out from exhaustion. They clearly explained to me that I was not doing myself any good, not to my body, and neither my spiritual sense with how I squandered every hour filling in projects, studying until no end. I was completely in dilemma to decipher how valuable this can be if I do allocate a break time. Super-agitated that the time would be such a waste if I was not in my room running my fingers on the laptop.

The days passed ..story short, now I am still learning and discovering myself, and it has been so far magical, refreshing with how I able to manage time to do chores and to chill.

Thanks to my parents who always here for me, wakening me – to value time as the way to value myself. I make sure that there will be specific hours for me to spend some quality time with them and chill. From my discovery of self-care related posts, I am embracing the fact that how vital it is to value the time with de-stress.

There are many creative ways including hobbies, you can do de-stress such as by bullet journaling and running on the treadmill or it can be just as simply making your bed on the very morning!

No self-sabotage

I have learned that through self-care, you are self-aware of your thoughts, mood, as well as physical and mental health. You are more careful to not include any bad habits or thoughts that can sabotage you from living a healthy and meaningful life.   

It’s more of unconscious self-sabotage as clarified by NickWignall, that you are unaware of your habits, your daily life routine that play most cards to the game – the resulting performance.

As per my story, I tend to unconsciously self-sabotage with overworking, straining my back on papers every hour without concerning over my body and the mind that need several breaks. Through self-care, I learned that the anxiety and guilt inside have been the drivers to this extreme commitment. It was exasperation I mostly developed at the end. Let alone the productivity.

 It takes a little more discovery and research to get the full clarity, but to this far, it has been breathtaking that knowing when to stop is one way I value self-care.

So, this is it. I hope this writing reaches you and inspires you in some way just as I am inspired by yours at most times.

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Published by Boffin Bubble

Student blogger; aiming to write little bit of everything with heart smiles!

12 thoughts on “Sweet satisfaction in self-care

  1. I always believe that it is important to set some time aside to de-compress. Not only is it better for my mental health, it helps to clear my mind. By clearing my mind, I can return to work with a fresh perspective that usually yields a more productive work session. Thanks for sharing, Ira! 🙂


  2. I loved reading this! Thank you for sharing some great tips for self care – valuing time to de-stress is so key but I feel like so many of us struggle to do so! Thank you for taking the time to write this post, it’s so helpful!


    1. Thank you so much Charley! Appreciate it. Very true many of us hardly find time to self-care that partly due to commitments and worries. Let’s get started self-care even it is just for a moment cuz it’s worth it!
      I’m happy to write and share this as well😊


  3. All three are very much things I’m trying to balance right now… I’ve got a couple of big projects which will undoubtedly take some time, and it’s difficult to stay motivated making incremental progress. But it’s still progress! Self-care is so important, and I’m glad you found the time to write about it


  4. Love this! Self-care is very crucial and I’ve definitely understood the importance of it during the lockdown! And I love that Plato you mentioned in this post 🙂 x Penny /whatdidshetype.blogspot.com


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